Hi guys
As promised, here is the video of my hair after the second use of this product. The first application was a week ago, and I have just been using the same shampoo and conditioner that I have been using for the last month or so.
I'm becoming increasingly more impressed each time I use this! Am excited about the next few uses of this product now!
The third application has been pretty impressive too! Also, what I am now noticing is that this product is changing the texture of my hair. As I hace gotten older, I have noticed some of my hair becoming more wiry...now either those hairs have fallen out (which is possible) or this product is changing the texture of those hairs. I hope it is the latter, and if it is I think I may have to buy ,ore of this product!
Here’s the video for application 3:
This is the video following application number four, which is the last one as I have ran out of product now:
Although you can’t really tell looking at the videos, this product has continued to improve my hair texture with every use and I am very impressed by this product now...it has changed the texture of my hair, so that all my hairs are soft and I no longer have the odd grey hair with a different texture to the rest! in case you have yet to get greys, believe me it freaks you out when you feel it and realise it is like wire! This product has removed that completely! I am so impressed in the end, that I have bought some for my mum!
With love
How can I purchase this product?I live in Greece..Is it available in my country?
Can I purchase this product I live in the United Kingdom ?